Meet Anna
Bio BLURB goes here. Sauce. She just is! There's really not much more to say than that. Oh wait. I should probably mention that she has been rubbing on people for ages- ages! Sometimes though, she just puts her hands on or under them and doesn't move them. And then she charges them. At first it seems weird; because it is weird. But, if you zone out and stop thinking, you might notice that things are happening inside your body as she just sits there, motionless. If they put a fancy name to her stillness, I bet people would really love it. Something really nerdy like... cranio. Cranio & sacral. Yeah-craniosacral. Something really nerdy like... cranio. Cranio & sacral. Yeah- cranisacral. Something really nerdy like... cranio. Cranio & sacral. Yeah- cranio.
Amy is awesome-sauce. She just is! There's really not much more to say than that. Oh wait. I should probably mention that she has been rubbing on people for ages- ages! Sometimes though, she just puts her hands on or under them and doesn't move them. And then she charges them. Sometimes though, she just puts her hands on or under them and doesn't move them. And then she charges them.
Modalities / Services
Medical Massage
Butt Rubs
Nice Talky-talk
Orange Peel Healings
What to Expect
When you have your first session with Anna she will start with reviewing your history and then your current complaint. Once on the table, it is an interactive experience. She will check this and that under you hood and ask you if this feels like ouch or that feels like Oooooo.
What Anna's Customers Have Shared
Like OMG Anna is so amaze-balls. This section can be made in the same fashion as the reviews on the homepage where they cycle. Or it can be static and just feature 2 or so...
Like OMG Anna is so amaze-balls. This section can be made in the same fashion as the reviews on the homepage where they cycle. Or it can be static and just feature 2 or so...
This can be a list of paragraph.
This can be a list of paragraph.
This can be a list of paragraph.
This can be a list of paragraph.
This can be a list of paragraph.